Sunday, November 24, 2024

Character Creation Challenge (2023): Postmortem


So in 2023 I did not complete the challenge. I started pretty strong with Warhammer 3e, but I lost momentum during the Lashings of Ginger Beer group, struggled a little more with Basic Action Super-Heroes, and finally got stuck on Broken Compass (which is ridiculous given that game's simple character generation system) and only finished that trio. In all I produced 15 characters in 4 games for 31 days, 12 of them before January 15th.

I'm not really sure what got in my way. Probably a combination of things: the looser structure I set myself, my determination not to let the challenge interfere with other parts of my life, more demands on my energy from other quarters, and maybe just being in a psychological place where putting in the effort to make another character and blog it was more than I wanted to deal with. 

This past year a combination of work, travel and medical incidents took over the month and I didn't even seriously consider participating. I haven't decided whether to get back on the horse this coming January, but I have several new games I'd like to explore so I hope I can find the energy this time.

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2025 Character Creation Challenge, entries 23-27: The Terrier Company, for Holmes Basic D&D

source: Various events that we need not review here prevented me from finishing this challenge before the end of the month, but ...