Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Final Nine

Nine more selections round out the list:

Psi World (1984)

My Life with Master (2003)

Statecraft (2010) (public beta version, PDF)

TimeWatch (2016) (PDF)

Warhamster Dungeon Adventure Game (free beta version, 2009) (PDF)*

Spookshow (1997)

Clockwork & Chivalry (2E, 2011)

Creeks & Crawdads (1986)

Bunnies & Burrows (1e, 1976) 

*RPGGeek doesn't have a listing for this one. Nor does the RPGNet Game Index. Weird.


And a shout-out to those who just missed the cut: Alma Mater, BASH! Ultimate Edition, Lashings of Ginger Beer, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying 3e, and Encounter Critical. We'll get you next time around.

So the full list, in alphabetical order (which is not the order I'm going to post the characters in, I have no idea what order I'm going to take these games on except that I'll try to save the lightest stuff for my busiest days):

Ars Magica 3e
Barbarians of Lemuria (free version)
Bunnies & Burrows 1e
Bushido 1e
Clockwork & Chivalry 2e
Colonial Gothic 3e
Coyote & Crow
Creeks & Crawdads
Hellcats & Hockeysticks
Hollow Earth Expedition
Jaws of the Six Serpents
Lancer (free PDF version)
Legends of the Wulin
Mini Six (Bare Bones edition)
My Life with Master
OVA Anime Roleplaying 2e
Princess of the Universe
Psi World
Soap: The Game of Soap Opera Mayhem
Statecraft (public beta PDF)
Teens in Space
Universe 2e
Unknown Armies 3e
Warhamster Dungeon Adventure Game (free beta PDF)
The Well
Wushu Open (free preview edition)

 About a third of these were published since 2010, another third between 2000 and 2010, and only eight before 2000. Also, there's a lot of fantasy here, but at least it's in a wide variety of flavors.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Stack Update


The latest rulebooks to go on the pile:

Ars Magica (3E, 1992)

Unknown Armies (3E, 2016)

Hollow Earth Expedition (1E, 2006)

Legends of the Wulin (1E, 2012)

That's 22 games so far and nine slots left to fill. The first two in this batch are going to be a little tricky, because character generation involves some group decision-making, but I'll figure out a way to fake it to my satisfaction. (And I'll show you how I faked it when I write them up.)

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Digital Stack - So Far


I've got a fair number of games in digital formats as well as the books and boxes in my closet, and because several of them came in charity bundles or other promotions I haven't really taken a good look at them either. I can't include them all in this year's Character Creation Challenge, but I'll try to cover at least ten. The top candidates to date (links, again, to RPGGeek entries):

Coyote & Crow (2021)

Princess of the Universe (2018)

The Well (2021)

Colonial Gothic (3E, 2017)

Lancer (2019, free version)

Barbarians of Lemuria (1E (I think), 2004)

Wushu Open (2003)

Mini Six Bare Bones Edition (2010)

That's eight right there; I would think I can pick two more from the dozen or so PDFs remaining.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Working on the list (part 1)

A stack of game books for this project is slowly growing next to my bed. So far the stack contains (links to RPGGeek entries):

Universe: The Role Playing Game of the Future (2E, 1982)

OVA: The Anime Roleplaying Game (2E, 2014)

Soap: The Game of Soap Opera Mayhem (2003)

Teens in Space (2019)

Torg: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars (1E, 1990)

Bushido: Role Playing Adventure in Feudal Japan (2E, 1980)

Hellcats & Hockeysticks (2009)

Icons Superpowered Roleplaying (2010)

Capes Super Roleplaying (2005)

Jaws of the Six Serpents (2009)

So, just about a third of the list chosen so far. Also, I have to save some room for games I only have in digital format.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

i may have too many games


One of the first steps I took when I undertook this project was to assemble a list of possible games to include. As I said in the previous post, I was looking for games in my collection that I wasn't very familiar with. I was willing to consider games that I kind of knew, but hadn't played in many years, in case I didn't have enough really unfamiliar games to fill thirty-one days.

Turns out I needn't have worried. Apparently it's a lot easier to buy an RPG than it is to learn one, especially in the age of downloading. I will require other criteria to bring this list down to thirty-one games, and I expect the first of those will be to avoid duplicating game systems. I have a few games on my B list that I'd hate to leave out.

Getting Ready for the Roundup


Welcome, readers! Long-time reader, first-time blogger here. 

I've created this blog to serve as an outlet for the January 2022 Character Creation Challenge, in which participants create a role-playing game character for every day of the month. Once the challenge commences, I'll be posting a new character every day of the month. After that, who knows what I'll come up with.

I'm planning to use the challenge as an opportunity to get to know some games that I haven't spent a lot of time with since I acquired them. So here's the plan: Thirty-one days. Thirty-one games I own but (in the vast majority of cases) haven't played yet. Thirty-one player characters, accompanied by a short introduction to their games and a brief walkthrough of the system used to create them.

In the few weeks between now and January 1, I'll be going through my collection and choosing the games that will be represented in this challenge. There'll be a pretty wide range of genres, systems, publication dates, and complexity levels, and I may post some notes on this prep work as I go along. Hopefully, I'll have the complete list ready before Christmas.

Image courtesy of TardisCaptain's Blog of Holding

2025 Character Creation Challenge, entries 23-27: The Terrier Company, for Holmes Basic D&D

source: Various events that we need not review here prevented me from finishing this challenge before the end of the month, but ...