Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Digital Stack - So Far


I've got a fair number of games in digital formats as well as the books and boxes in my closet, and because several of them came in charity bundles or other promotions I haven't really taken a good look at them either. I can't include them all in this year's Character Creation Challenge, but I'll try to cover at least ten. The top candidates to date (links, again, to RPGGeek entries):

Coyote & Crow (2021)

Princess of the Universe (2018)

The Well (2021)

Colonial Gothic (3E, 2017)

Lancer (2019, free version)

Barbarians of Lemuria (1E (I think), 2004)

Wushu Open (2003)

Mini Six Bare Bones Edition (2010)

That's eight right there; I would think I can pick two more from the dozen or so PDFs remaining.

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2025 Character Creation Challenge, entries 23-27: The Terrier Company, for Holmes Basic D&D

source: Various events that we need not review here prevented me from finishing this challenge before the end of the month, but ...