Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Getting Ready for the Roundup


Welcome, readers! Long-time reader, first-time blogger here. 

I've created this blog to serve as an outlet for the January 2022 Character Creation Challenge, in which participants create a role-playing game character for every day of the month. Once the challenge commences, I'll be posting a new character every day of the month. After that, who knows what I'll come up with.

I'm planning to use the challenge as an opportunity to get to know some games that I haven't spent a lot of time with since I acquired them. So here's the plan: Thirty-one days. Thirty-one games I own but (in the vast majority of cases) haven't played yet. Thirty-one player characters, accompanied by a short introduction to their games and a brief walkthrough of the system used to create them.

In the few weeks between now and January 1, I'll be going through my collection and choosing the games that will be represented in this challenge. There'll be a pretty wide range of genres, systems, publication dates, and complexity levels, and I may post some notes on this prep work as I go along. Hopefully, I'll have the complete list ready before Christmas.

Image courtesy of TardisCaptain's Blog of Holding

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2025 Character Creation Challenge, entries 23-27: The Terrier Company, for Holmes Basic D&D

source: Various events that we need not review here prevented me from finishing this challenge before the end of the month, but ...