Friday, January 6, 2023

Character Creation Challenge (2023), day 7: Lashings of Ginger Beer (3 of 5)


With this next member of the Primrose Lane Irregulars we take a jump up to age 14, one of two characters of that age; the other one will be Lizzie's brother Trey (scheduled for tomorrow's post). 

A fourteen-year-old gets 2s across the board for Attributes and so will tend to be distinguished by the one score that receives a bonus point. I'm making this character a girl, and a jock--the extra point goes into Toughness.

Tough 3, Deft 2, Clever 2, Charm 2

The rules suggest no more than one Truant per group, so our girl will be a Good Kid with a focus on sports--which, in fact, appear on her Type's Skill list. 

The full list (again) is Act Innocently, Camping, Hobbies, Sports, Ride Bicycle, and Spot Nasty People, plus the universal two dice each in Hide and Snoop. I'll make a 3-point investment in Sports (specialty field hockey, I'm thinking) a single die in Bicycle, two in Camping, one in Act Innocently (comes in handy on the field), and one in Snoop. Which means I am Good At the following things:

Act Innocently 1, Camping 2, Hide 2, Ride Bicycle 1, Snoop 3, Sports 3

All right, on to my family. The die roll is 6, which I'm going to reject because there are just too darned many kids in these families. I'll settle for a 3, which means two siblings: a brother, age 8; and a sister, age 18. 

And finally let's get our Kid some stuff. Field hockey gear is the gimme, then we start playing the Useful Things Lottery. Can I get a two-person tent? (1<3=Yes) How about fishing gear? (1<4=Yes). That was surprisingly easy, and our sporty girl's kit is settled.

So, that completes Yasmeena (Meena) Khan, middle child, sporty but not quite a Tomboy. Her older sister Saadia is starting university with plans to become a doctor. Her younger brother Tariq is still basically unformed but not entirely useless at eight years. These three are the second generation of the family born in the UK; their grandparents immigrated from Pakistan in the mid- and late 1960s.And, as usual, we close with her stablock:

My name is Meena Khan.

I am a Good Kid.

I have two siblings: one younger brother and one older sister.

My Attributes are Tough 3, Deft 2, Clever 2, Charm 2

I am Good At:

Act Innocently: 1

Camping: 2

Hide: 2

Ride Bicycle: 1

Snoop: 3

Sports: 3

This is my stuff:

Field hockey gear (stick, ball, uniform, pads)

Two-person tent

Fishing gear

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2025 Character Creation Challenge, entries 23-27: The Terrier Company, for Holmes Basic D&D

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