Monday, January 9, 2023

Character Creation Challenge (2023), day 9: Lashings of Ginger Beer (5 of 5)


And now it's time to finish up with Lashings of Ginger Beer. The oldest member of the Primrose Lane Irregulars, really too old for this childish nonsense, is fifteen and will be a Swot, which is Boy's/Girl's Own for "nerd." 

The starting Attributes at this age are 3 each in Tough and Clever and 1 each in Deft and Charm. Our Swot gets an extra point in Clever, because that's the point of being a Swot. 

Tough 3, Deft 1, Clever 4, Charm 1

Swot Skills include Sciences, History, Geography, Languages, Music, and Useless Facts. This character is going to be a sort of Phineas J. Whoopee for the group, so I'm not going to bother boosting Snoop or Hide for somebody whose primary function is reference. We'll put one point in each Swot skill (costing six) and put the two left over into Sciences and Languages. All but perhaps Music key off of Clever, so that should provide good chances of success.

Geography 1, Hide 2, History 1, Languages 2, Music 1, Sciences 2, Snoop 2, Useless Facts 1

Siblings: I keep rolling fives, so four siblings it is, as much as I'd like to see just one only child in this neighborhood. Younger sister, age 9; younger brother, age 13; older brother, age 18; younger brother, age 11. 

And now for Stuff. The useful items list, alas, does not favor Swots at all. For my starter item I'll take a microscope. The I'll try once again to get some rope (4<2, so no), an electric torch (1<5, so yes), and finally a sketchpad and pencils (barely: 5=5). 

Marta Sobieski is the second child and eldest daughter of Polish immigrants. She and her older brother Tadeusz were born in Poland; her younger siblings Casimir, Paul, and Kasia were all born in the UK. She has a reputation among the kids of her neighborhood of knowing everything there is to know, and that's how she got tangled up in Trey Hill's weird mystery-solving club. It's kind of childish, but they have caught a couple of real criminals, and if not for Marta's grasp of facts and scientific method they'd be constantly running off after red herrings and causing who knows what havoc.

Now let's set Marta out in statblock format:

My name is Marta Sobieski.

I am a Swot. (I am a good student. The other kids call me a swot.)

I am fifteen years of age, and I have three brothers and a sister. I am the second oldest child in my family and the oldest daughter.

My Attributes are Tough 3, Deft 1, Clever 4, Charm 1

I am good at:

Geography: 1

Hide: 2

History: 1

Languages: 2

Music: 1

Sciences: 2

Snoop: 2

Useless Facts: 1

This is my Stuff:


Electric torch

Sketchpad and pencils

So, to review, here are the Primrose Lane Irregulars, in descending order of age:

Marta Sobieski, Swot, age 15

Meena Khan, Good Kid, age 14

Trey Hill, Good Kid, age 14

Billy Tucker, Truant, age 11

Lizzie Hill, Good Kid, age 10

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