Sunday, January 8, 2023

Character Creation Challenge (2023), day 8: Lashings of Ginger Beer (4 of 5)


We're sticking with Lashings of Ginger Beer for Day 4, which brings us Primrose Lane Irregular Freeman Hill, who has taken to calling himself "Trey" because his father and grandfather are also named "Freeman," making him the third of that name.* Trey is also a Good Kid, and also 14 years old. 

Like Meena, Trey starts with Attributes of 2 across the board, but I'm putting his extra point into Clever. He thinks of himself as the leader of the group (though Meena would tend to contest that), and indeed is usually the one who instigates the group's investigations.

Tough 2, Clever 3, Deft 2, Charm 2

For Skills, I'm going to give him a three-point Hobby of Photography, a point in Sports (football, this time), one each in Snoop and Hide, one in Spot Nasty People, and finally a point in Camping.

Since Trey and Lizzie share a family, I won't roll for siblings. Trey's the eldest, with twelve-year-old Des second, Lizzie third, and Christopher and Melanie bringing up the rear.

Photography is Trey's defining skill, so we'll start his Useful Items list with a camera before rolling on the table. And then the die decides to become difficult, rejecting an electric torch (roll 6 against a difficulty of 5), a length or rope (6>2), and a penknife (6>5), before allowing poor Trey a sleeping bag. (2<4). It balks again at a wristwatch (4>3), then relents with a 4 when I ask for a (kind of redundant, considering the camera) pair of binoculars (difficulty also 4).

Items: Camera, sleeping bag, pair of binoculars.

If the Primrose Lane Irregulars were an actual book series, Trey Hill would spend about a paragraph near the beginning of each book explaining that since his father and grandfather are also named Freeman, he is the third consecutive Freeman in his family, and calls himself "Trey" because it is a synonym of "three." (He would also note that it is a name people use in the US and Canada, but not so much in England, and he likes that because it's distinctive.) Trey wants to be a photojournalist when he finishes school, and investigating neighborhood mysteries is his outlet for that drive. 

OK, statblock time:

My name is Trey Hill. (OK, really it's Freeman Hill, but my dad and my grandpa are Freeman as well, so that makes me number three.)

I am a Good Kid.

I have five siblings, two sisters and three brothers and all younger than I am.

My Attributes are Tough 2, Clever 3, Deft 2, Charm 2.

I am good at:

Camping: 1

Hide: 3

Photography: 3

Snoop: 3

Sports: 2

Spot Nasty People: 1

This is my Stuff:


Pair of binoculars

Sleeping bag

*Apparently the nickname "Trey" is rare outside of the US and Canada, as is the use of "junior" or "III" to indicate repeated given names in consecutive generations. I should fix that and make it consistent throughout the LoGB posts, but I'm just going to attribute it to a personal quirk.

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2025 Character Creation Challenge, entries 23-27: The Terrier Company, for Holmes Basic D&D

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