Friday, January 13, 2023

Character Creation Challenge (2023), day 12: Basic Action Super Heroes (3 of 3)


We'll finish our BASH super-team with a bruiser, a streetwise brawler with a criminal record and a bad attitude. Starting Stats will focus on the physical: Brawn and Agility each at 3, with a 1 in Mind for a cost of 14 build points.

Brawn 3, Agility 3, Mind 1

Now for Powers. Unlike her two allies, our bruiser won't go in heavy on skills, but she'll still take some Martial Arts Mastery off the Intensive Training table. Three points for five styles is still a good bargain. The same table provides Fleet of Foot (running speed boosted to from 9 to 12 squares and jumping range boosted from 9 to 10 squares) for 1 point and for 1 more point Heightened [Stat], which gives a +3 Result Bonus (after multipliers) to rolls in the appropriate Stat, for which I shall choose Brawn. Moving on to the Combat table, I choose Armor (variable-cost), which provides a bonus to my ablity to soak damage, and Push, another variable-cost power that does knockback tinstead of straight damage. I add Jump from the movement table (1 point for 10 squares/panel jumping rate, for a maximium leap of 90 squares). I max Armor out at three points and spend two on Push to fill out 11 points worth of powers:

Martial Arts Mastery (five styles): 3 points

Fleet of Foot: 1 point

Heightened Brawn: 1 point

Armor 3: 3 points

Push 2: 2 points

Super Jump 1: 1 points

OK, now I'm going to complicate this further by tinkering with Push. If I make it a close-range area attack (such as pounding the ground Hulk-style to create a shockwave), it'll reduce the damage multiplier to just my Brawn, but make the power more interesting without raising the cost. (Those enhancements and damage/accuracy tradeoffs are listed in the power description rather than the Enhancements/Limitations section of the rules.)

With no investment in Skillful, I'm left with the three physical and one mental Skill slots my Stats grant me. On the Mental level I'll take Streetwise with a specialty in Gut (i.e., instinct). And I'll put all of my physical eggs in Athletics: two general levels, with Climbing as the free specialty and an extra slot to Throwing. 

A criminal record is a Social Stigma, which is a Disadvantage that I'll want to balance with a corresponding Advantage. I select Never Surrender, which lets me bounce back from near-certain defeat once per story. Our bruiser doesn't really need any equipment, just the regular clothes on her back, so let's move on to Mental Malfunction, background and names. Melissa Chen always stood out in a crowd--too tall, too broad, too muscular, too stiff-necked and proud. And, very quickly, too angry. Too many assault convictions for probation to be a solution. And one volunteer experiment too many to ever, ever be taken for normal. She managed to swallow her rage long enough to get the promised parole, but hadn't found her center to make it in the world. Until she met the Whisper, who pointed her anger in a useful direction and helped her find the discipline to channel it--most of the time. And now Melissa Chen has a focus, a cause, and a new name: Sister Sledgehammer.

Stat block:

Codename: Sister Sledgehammer

Private Name: Melissa Chen

Mental Malfunction: Trying to make a positive difference with limited anger-management skills

STATS: Brawn 3, Agility 3, Mind 1

Priority: x4; Defense: x3; Mental Defense: x1; Soak: x6+3; Hits: 100

Lift: 15 tons; Run: 12 squares; Jump: 90 squares (10/panel); Climb: 3 squares; Swim: 3 squares


Armor 3: +3 to Brawn for soaking damage  (3 points)

Push 2 (Shockwave) Agility + 0Dm to hit, 2x Brawn + 0DM knockback (x3 to hit, x6+3 knockback) (2 points)

--Ranged (close, 5 squares)

--Area (small burst: 2x2 squares)

Super Jump: Jump up to 90 squares, rate 10/panel (1 point)

Martial Arts Mastery: Five Styles (Fast, Tough, Defensive, Grappling, Tricky) (3 points)

Fleet of Foot: Run speed 12 squares/panel; Jump distance 10 squares (1 point)

Heightened (Brawn): +3 results bonus on Brawn checks (1 point)

Mental Skills: Streetwise/Gut 1 (1 slot)

Physical Skills: Athletics 2/Climbing, Throwing (2 slots)

Advantages: Never Surrender (recover from one negative status and restore HP to 20, once per story)

Disadvantages: Social Stigma (criminal record)

Notable Equipment: street clothes

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